CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: Ilminster Beavers are planting for space!

CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: Ilminster Beavers are planting for space!

MEMBERS of the Ilminster Beavers group are taking part in the Rocket Science experiment partnership between the Royal Horticultural Society and the UK Space Agency.CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: Ilminster Beavers are planting for space! Photo 1

The Beavers last night (Tuesday, April 19, 2016) planted 200 rocket seeds as part of the experiment which is being backed by British astronaut Tim Peake who has been at the International Space Station since December last year.

In September 2015, two kilograms of rocket seeds travelled to the International Space Station and returned to earth in March.

Around 600,000 young people have signed up to the experiment to carry out investigations into the impact of micro-gravity and space travel on seed germination and growth.

The results will help form a clearer picture of the potential for astronauts to grow their own food to sustain them on long-term missions in space.

More than 8,500 schools and groups – including Ilminster Beavers – will spend 35 days analysing the growth and development of two batches of seemingly identical rocket seeds - but only one batch has spent time in space with Tim on the International Space Station orbiting the Earth at 17,000mph.CLUBS AND SOCIETIES: Ilminster Beavers are planting for space! Photo 3

Helen Lancaster, of Ilminster Beavers, said: “We don’t know which seeds have been to space, but the Beavers have to monitor the seeds and record our findings between now and May 24.

“On certain days we have to count leaves and measure them. At the end of the experiment we will be entering our results on the national database where the findings will be analysed and published for everyone to see.”

Helen added: “We have been extremely lucky to be picked to be one group who is taking part in this experiment in the UK.”

The aim of the experiment is to enthuse young people about science and horticulture and provide the overall European Space Agency with key insights into some of the challenges of growing food in space.

PHOTOS: Submitted by Ilminster Beavers.
