SCHOOL NEWS: Eggtastic entries in Easter contest at Neroche

SCHOOL NEWS: Eggtastic entries in Easter contest at Neroche

EASTER came early at Neroche Primary School at Broadway as all of the school’s children took part in their annual Easter Egg competition.

There were many EGGTASTIC entries ranging from baby chicks to Star Wars.

The children of Neroche’s School Council were the judges for the event, and at a special assembly presented each class winners with a chocolate Easter Egg and the runners up a chocolate bunny.

Kizzie, a Year Six school councillor, said: “Choosing the winners was so hard as lots of the eggs were really funny. Well done everyone!”

Headteacher Connel Boyle added: “I am so grateful to our children from the School Council who have acted with such great maturity in running this competition.

“Their own idea of making all of the entries anonymous was a super idea that ensured complete fair play, I am so proud of them.”

SCHOOL NEWS: Eggtastic entries in Easter contest at Neroche

PHOTOS: Submitted by Neroche Primary School.

Schools / Colleges.