ILMINSTER NEWS: Don’t miss out – get your copy of Ilminster Press today!

ILMINSTER NEWS: Don’t miss out – get your copy of Ilminster Press today!

COPIES are still available of the bumper 56-page October edition of the FREE independent community Ilminster Press newspaper – which includes a 24-page pull-out of all the recent Carnival festivities in the town.

There are all the results and loads of photos of the annual Ilminster Children’s Carnival held on September 28 and the main Ilminster Carnival procession staged on October 5.

People can pick-up their copy of the Ilminster Press from various outlets in and around town with new supplies having been dropped off at the Tesco and Co-op stores.ILMINSTER NEWS: Don’t miss out – get your copy of Ilminster Press today!

The papers can be found in a newspaper stand by the noticeboard at Tesco, while the papers can be found at the Co-op just inside the front door (although you may have to look behind the shopping baskets for them!)

Ilminster Press editor Steve Sowden said: “I hope you enjoy this edition and please spread the word about this publication with family, friends and work colleagues.

“I would like to thank the various outlets who have agreed to take copies of the Ilminster Press which can be picked-up for free by people and to James Healey, of JRH Media, for his fantastic help with design and layout.

“A huge thank you once again to all the advertisers in this month’s edition – your support really is appreciated.

“Also special thanks to freelance photographer Christine Jones for all her photos, hard work, enthusiasm and encouragement.”

The next edition of Ilminster Press will be out in mid-November. So please get in touch with any events you would like covered and featured in the paper or send in your news, views and photos to Steve at .
