ILMINSTER NEWS: Town retains its Fairtrade status

ILMINSTER NEWS: Town retains its Fairtrade status

THE Ilminster Fairtrade group has announced that its recent application to renew the Town’s Fairtrade status has been accepted.

The application – which detailed the town’s activities and progress to date – also outlined some ambitious proposals for 2016-18, the full details of which are to be shared at an open meeting in the town on Monday, May 23, 2016, from 7pm in the Minster Rooms, Court Barton.

The Fairtrade Foundation was particularly impressed by recent efforts to improve the Ilminster Fairtrade website and increased use of social media to engage more of the local community in the movement.

Proposals to develop better links with schools and extend activities to other businesses and service providers in Ilminster and beyond were also well-received.ILMINSTER NEWS: Town retains its Fairtrade status

Chairman of Ilminster Fairtrade, Roger Gurner, said: “We were delighted to learn that our application had been accepted and are keen to get started delivering our new action plan with the support of the local community.

“In particular our priority action is to purchase and install five new signs on the entrance roads to Ilminster proudly declaring the town’s Fairtrade status.”

Roger added: “We are calling on individuals and businesses to consider contributing towards or sponsoring the purchase and installation of the new signs.

“We are also reminding all traders, stocking Fairtrade items, to get in touch as soon as possible, if they wish to be included in a refreshed publication of the popular Fairtrade leaflet and directory.”

The presentation of the new Fairtrade Town certificate will be made to a representative of Ilminster Town Council on the evening of May 23, 2016.

Attendees will also be invited to join existing supporters at a special opening of Ilminster’s latest Fairtrade outlet, following the main business of the open meeting.

For more information, or to confirm your attendance at the meeting, please visit the website or its Facebook page or contact group secretary Natalie Wainwright on 07746-727002.
