ILMINSTER NEWS: Every little helps to celebrate Queen's big day

ILMINSTER NEWS: Every little helps to celebrate Queen's big day

HER Majesty the Queen herself would have been amused – we are sure – had she attended a street party held in her honour at the weekend in Ilminster.

A street party was held outside the Tesco store on Sunday (June 12, 2016) in which people of all ages came together to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday with a street party.

There was a display by the Ilminster Majorettes and the Lions Club of Ilminster was on hand to support the event organised by Tesco’s community champion Helena Jones and her friends and colleagues.

It was a great event and raised a good amount of money for charity which will be shared between Save the Children and the Memory Café in Ilminster.

The Lions Club has also donated a further £150 to help swell the funds further.

Helena said: “Huge thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the party and to everyone who supported it.”

Among the visitors was the Mayor of Ilminster, Cllr Val Keitch, and she said she would like to congratulate Helena and Co for organising such a wonderful street party.

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ILMINSTER NEWS: Every little helps to celebrate Queen's big day Photo 2

ILMINSTER NEWS: Every little helps to celebrate Queen's big day Photo 3

PHOTOS: Courtesy of Sara Goodie and Facebook.
